Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Significance of Raising A Reader

Raise /ˈrāz/ (verb): To uplift or elevate (physically, emotionally, and spiritually); to restore life to; to increase the value of something; to cause to stand without support; to wake from sleep; to rouse or to stir; to strengthen or stimulate; to imbue or inspire; to build up or construct; to cause or promote growth.

The list of definitions goes on.

To Freemasons, the word ‘raise’, carries great and varied meaning. The depth of this word’s significance is heavily layered and for members of the fraternity, these nuances in definition should mean a lot.

One of the most important things we do in Freemasonry is to raise brethren to the sublime degree of Master Mason. By doing so, we seek to inspire men to be better people, to do good in this world, and to strengthen their values. We also strive to inspire these men to make a difference not only in their own lives, but in the lives of others: to lift up those who have fallen, to bring hope to those who have lost it, and to promote the betterment of mankind through leading by example.

Raising A Reader is important because it allows our fraternity to do this exact thing for children who, otherwise, would go overlooked. Through the Raising A Reader partnership, the Grand Master’s Project for 2011-12, we bring opportunity and hope to the most at - risk children in our state. We will raise their ability to learn and read. We will open up a world of imagination and raise their spirits. We will raise their beliefs that they, too, can rise above life’s challenges and do something great. We will raise their level of education so they can stand unassisted in the world.

And in turn, we will raise this state and this country to a higher level of literacy and success - one child at a time.

Raising A Reader. Raising a Master Mason. The significance of this connection in language, both symbolically and practically, is not lost on us.

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